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Traffic and Roads

RMS, TMR, VicRoads, DPTI etc contractors prefer Bambach’s approved range of traffic cables as they are easy to strip, high quality and most importantly Australian made.

Bambach has manufactured loop detector, multi-paired feeder cables and multi-core traffic signal cable for major projects such as Sydney’s M5, WesConnex and most major projects.

Bambach holds stock of each Detecta-Cab, Loop Detector and Trafficab in standard pack sizes, and can manufacture to customer length and colour specifications.

Bambach traffic cables are also available through most local electrical wholesalers.

Bambach also manufactures a range of specialist street lighting cables under its LoadFleX brand. These cables are built to avoid sag and have recently found great popularity in the market due to the dramatically reduced need for maintenance.

Artwork 127
J/134-140 Old Pittwater Road
Brookvale NSW 2100
Ph: (02) 9938 5622
15A Nicholas Drive
Dandenong South VIC 3175
Ph: (03) 9335 2600
New Castle
Unit2, 19 Marianne Street
Cardiff 2285
Western Australia
1 Karratha Street
Welshpool WA 6106
Ph: (08) 9351 9966
Head Office
40 Willung Road
Rosedale VIC 3847